もしも、あなたが「今まで一般のスイミングスクールの指導のやり方でこれまでやってこれたから、これからも福祉の知識は必要ない」とお考えの方でしたら、大変申し訳ございません。 残念ながら、私たちの障害者水泳指導員養成研修は、ご期待に沿えないかもしれません。
しかし、もしもあなたが「ブレない一生モノの力を知りたい・身につけたい」とお考えでしたら、 当協会の障害者水泳指導員養成研修はベストな選択肢のうちのひとつに入るかと思います。
立ち上げた当初は「大手じゃないし、そんなに生徒は集まらない」「うまくいくわけがない」 と言われたこともありました。
子供の体幹が弱く鍛えてほしいと思い、すぐに申し込みました。個人レッスンが決め手でした。(なかなか他にはないので) 実際にはじめてみて、子どもが学校の体育で以前よりも鉄棒やマット運動に意欲的に参加したり、普段でも明らかに体力がアップしたと思えるところに驚いています。 (発達障害・お母様より)
知人から、個人で水慣れから見てもらえると話を聞き、またHPを読んだことで信頼度が更に増しました。 初回レッスンよりとても楽しかったようで、毎回次のレッスンも「また行きたい!」と楽しみにしています。きめ細かく丁寧に子どもに合った指導をしてくださるので、安心してお願いすることができています。 先生の笑顔で本人ものびのびと頑張れている様子です。(半身麻痺、お母様)
それを障害のある子どもたちに押し付けようとすると、かえって子供を混乱させてしまい、最悪は「水泳が嫌い」となってしまいます。 発想の転換が必要なのです。
「確かにうまくいきました!」 と手ごたえを感じてもらえたのです。
幅広く障害をもった方への対応を学べた。また、健常者に対してのレッスンと通ずる対応も可能と確認することができた。実際に現場で行う指導メニューについても悩んでいた部分もあった為、解消することできた。(関東 大手スポーツクラブ、男性)
知的障害のある子どもの水泳のグループでボランティアをしていますが、先輩方の助言を聞いて「本当にこの教え方でいいのかな?」と疑問に思うことがたくさんありました。講義中、率直に聞いてみましたところ、どう子どもの気持ちに寄りそい、レッスン内容を考えたらいいのかがよく分かりました。早速、次の水泳教室で習ったことをやってみたいと思います。(関東 障害者水泳クラブ、50代女性)
難病や重度の身体障害があるお子さんのリラクゼーションを初めて見た時、「何をやっているんだろう?」とか「簡単そう」と思っていました。ですが、実際やってみると、緊張の強い子どもの体を揺らしてリラックスさせようと思っても、全然うまくいかず…。 体の支え方のコツや指導員の力みがうまくいかないことにつながっていることが分かりました。(関東 大手スポーツクラブ、40代男性)
重度の肢体不自由の障害がある子どもに対して、「水遊び」から「泳ぎ」にどう発展させたらいいのか悩んでいました。実際のデモのレッスンを見学し、その子ができることを発見し、引き出していくレッスンに驚きました。一度のレッスンで、水中ウォーキングがやっとだった子供が、ニコニコ笑いながらスーッと水面を滑るようになっていて、「私もこういう指導ができるようになりたい」と思いました。(九州 大手スイミングスクール、50代男性)
Q1:何で(書籍の名前・HP・紹介等)、「障害者水泳指導員養成研修」を知りましたか? A1:知人からの紹介 Q2:この研修を知ってからすぐに申し込みましたか?(申し込まなかった方はなぜですか?) A2:申し込みました! Q3:どんなことに活用しよう(悩んでいて)「障がい者水泳指導員養成研修」に参加しようと思いましたか? A3:8月から酒井先生のアクアマルシェのお手伝いにかかわらせていただくようになり、障害者(障害児)さんの状況を学びたかったので受講させて戴きました。 Q4:何が決めて(紹介、情報、実績等)となって「障害者水泳指導員養成研修に申し込まれましたか」 A4:都からの支援金が出ましたので「初級」+「中級」を受講しました。 Q5:実際に「障害者水泳指導員養成研修」に参加されていかがでしたか? A5:とてもわかりやすい講義で楽しく一日受講できました。ありがとうございました!! 受講させていただいた内容以外で不明なことがお尋ねしますので、よろしくお願いいたします。
Q1:何で(書籍の名前・HP・紹介等)、「障害者水泳指導員養成研修」を知りましたか? A1:酒井先生のファンです。知人が受講すると伺い私も受けたいと思いました。 Q2:この研修を知ってからすぐに申し込みましたか?(申し込まなかった方はなぜですか?) A2:知ったのが遅かったのですが知ったその日に申し込みました。(以前は、受けるものを想像不足で、心を入れ替えました) Q3:どんなことに活用しよう(悩んでいて)「障がい者水泳指導員養成研修」に参加しようと思いましたか? A3:酒井先生が作り上げた「研修」しっかり受けたかった。 Q4:何が決めて(紹介、情報、実績等)となって「障害者水泳指導員養成研修に申し込まれましたか」 A4:酒井先生が決め手 Q5:実際に「障害者水泳指導員養成研修」に参加されていかがでしたか? A5:紙面上、上顔だけの資料ではなく、本当の実体験の内容だったので、説得力が大でした。寝てしまうのを恐れていましたが全く大丈夫でした。実際のお話に涙が出てしまいました。最後の方にメイクや水槽の色竿も出てきて若い女性リーダーだからこそ!!みたいなものを感じました。これからも1番のサポーターでいさせてね すっごく良かったです。感謝します。
Q1:何で(書籍の名前・HP・紹介等)、「障害者水泳指導員養成研修」を知りましたか? A1:三鷹駅前の本屋で「水泳の教え方」の書籍を見て知りました。 Q2:この研修を知ってからすぐに申し込みましたか?(申し込まなかった方はなぜですか?) A2:知ってから一週間後くらいに申し込みました。 Q3:どんなことに活用しよう(悩んでいて)「障がい者水泳指導員養成研修」に参加しようと思いましたか? A3:将来的に指導員をできればと思い参加しました。 Q4:何が決めて(紹介、情報、実績等)となって「障害者水泳指導員養成研修に申し込まれましたか」 A4:書籍を見た後、ホームページで詳細を見て、わかりやすかったので申し込みました。 Q5:実際に「障害者水泳指導員養成研修」に参加されていかがでしたか? A5:講義ではきっかけから障害の幅広い内容を教えていただきました。知らなかったことも多くたいへん勉強になりました。実技では実際に体感することで、より理解が深まりました。また車いすの介助方法は初めてだったので、実際に車いすに座ることで視野が広がりました。学んだことを実践で生かしていければと思います。ありがとうございました!
★約5時間 講義+プールでの実技(指導者:酒井他協会専属指導員(支援員))受講料35,000円(個別日程はプラス5,000円)
ここでは、泳ぐ前に最も大切 な「安全」をテーマに、おぼれないために身につけておくべき3つの技術をベースに、泳ぎに必要な体づくりの準備をします。「泳げるのにおぼれてしまった」ということがなく安全に練習できる基礎をつくります。スイミングスクールや学校で「グレー」と言われる子どもたちが、水慣れ~基礎レベルで集団レッスンで一緒に参加できるようなヒントになります。
★約5時間 講義+プールでの実技(指導者:酒井他協会専属指導員(支援員)) 受講料45,000円(個別日程はプラス5,000円)
★約5時間 講義+プールでの実技 受講料55,000円(個別日程はプラス5,000円)
※次の級の日程が未定の場合でも、お申込み時にお申し出いただければ、受講日は後日ご連絡いただくかたちで受講可能です。 ※ただし、初級受講後にセット受講料のご希望は承ることができませんのでご注意ください。
(月1回、30分間まで 15,000円相当)
9:30-18:00 会議室
13:00-15:00 プール
近日の日程はこちら オンライン講義をご希望の日程で受講されたい方はこちら※講義について、お好きな日に分割受講することも可能です。日時はお問い合わせ後に個別に相談に応じます(実技の個別対応はできかねますのでご了承いただけたらと思います)
一般社団法人日本障がい者スイミング協会 代表理事
※ここで話す「障害者」とは、身体障害、知的障害、発達障害、精神障害、すべての障害や難病を指します。* Lectures can be divided into classes on any day you like. We will respond to individual consultations after making inquiries regarding the date and time (please note that we cannot provide individual support for practical skills).
2月11日(祝火)【リアル・オンライン同時開催】初中級コース 同日実技あり
2月24日(祝月)【リアル・オンライン同時開催 講義】上級コース ※同日実技あり
You don’t need a welfare qualification or swimming instructor qualification to learn from scratch.
If you are interested in teaching swimming to people with disabilities, if you have any concerns, or if you are looking for an opportunity, this course is for you.
You can learn the necessary assistance for swimming situations, which I can tell you from my more than 15 years of experience in assisting the disabled, so even if you have no experience, you can start from zero and practice repeatedly until you have no worries.
Beginning with developmental psychology and the physical characteristics of the body according to developmental issues and each disability, you will learn how to swim in a way that suits the student in front of you, and after completing the course, you will be able to notice how to approach and devise lessons on your own.
We repeatedly research sports psychology, psychology of people with disabilities, and support methods through hypothesis and verification. Our teaching methods are not only based on swimming techniques, but also on the feelings of people with disabilities, and are so easy to understand that even junior high school students can understand them.
Let’s study swimming for the disabled!” What would you like to start with? What are the criteria for your choice?
All of these are important, but the first criterion for disabled swimming is the ability to think universally about highly individualized…
In industry terms, it’s “total competence”.
Our instructors not only “know both welfare and swimming” and “know many kinds of disabilities”,
but also “know common things beyond the kinds and degrees of disabilities”, “know how the body works and how to exercise according to the rules”, and “have the ability to think and devise for themselves while being close to others”.
This is the only way we can provide safe and enjoyable swimming support that is “person-centered” and “centered on daily life”.
Why don’t you join us in the pool and have fun with children with disabilities!
Hi, I’m Yasuha Sakai, the representative of the Japan Swimming Association for the Disabled.
At the moment, the number of students at my tutoring swimming club has increased 28-fold to 112, from just 4 when we first started up, thanks to word of mouth.
From 2017 to the end of December 2020, we have given individual swimming lessons to a total of 5,772 people (from 2017 to December 2021).
We have also supported a total of over 1,000 people per year in the Corona Disaster situation.
When we first started up.“We’re not a big company, we can’t attract that many students” “There’s no way this will work.” I was sometimes told that I was not a good person.
It is true that when you open a shop, not only a swimming schoolIt usually takes 3 years to be recognized by many people and 5 years to get on track.We achieved this with “unprecedented speed.”
We have been working hard to make “Aqua Marche” from an unknownI think the reason we’ve grown so much in such a short period of time is because we’veI went to the swimming powerhouse to learn some special program andIt is not because we introduced the method.
We are grateful for the support of our students and their families who help us with our daily lessons, and of course, for the support of our We realized that there was one thing that we could do to help our students live a more active and energetic life.
I have experienced two areas, the nursing field and the swimming school.I’ve realized it through my research.It’s a change of mindset.
At first, everyone is surprised, but by simply knowing this point and teaching it…In a year and a half, we have built a popular club that attracts 28 times as many students asI am now able to run it continuously.
I signed up right away because my child’s core was weak and I wanted her to be trained.The private lessons were the deciding factor. (It’s hard to find anywhere else)After I actually started, I found that my child was more confident than before in PE at school.I have been participating in bar and mat exercises with great enthusiasm.I was surprised to see that my physical strength has clearly improved even in everyday life.(From a mother with developmental disabilities)
I heard from an acquaintance that they could take care of the children from water habituation. I also read the website, so I have even more confidence in the school.I think he enjoyed the lesson more than the first lesson.I want to go back for the next lesson every time! I am looking forward to it.She is very attentive and careful in her teaching, so she isI am able to ask for help with peace of mind. The teacher’s smile makes him feel relaxed and happy.(Paraplegic, mother)
Due to higher brain dysfunction, my child loses his memory very quickly.In just two lessons, he has learned to swim four events.He even went on to compete in the Tokyo Metropolitan Championships and brought home a gold medal.I loved swimming, but I didn’t expect him to be so good at it.(Higher brain dysfunction, mother)
* Lectures can be divided into classes on any day you like. We will respond to individual consultations after making inquiries regarding the date and time (please note that we cannot provide individual support for practical skills).
This testimonial is just a small sample of the questionnaires.
Because we are not a big company, we can’t spend money on advertising other than on our website. I have done very little.However, the reputation calls the reputation in the school and the rehabilitation center, etc.It has become a daily routine for us to respond to emails inquiring about membership.
I have been volunteering since I was a student, including as aI have been involved in teaching swimming for the handicapped for more than 15 years, working at elementary schools, swimming schools, and various organizations around the country.I have accumulated a lot of experience.
I majored in psychology in college and studied sport psychology, psychology of the disabled, andI have studied support methods and practiced them in the field of teaching andI have been researching for better lessons.
After graduating from university, I worked in the welfare sector, supporting people’s daily life (bathing assistance, general housework and outings, etc.).I have been involved in the field of disability I also learned how to be close to people with disabilities as a human being more thoroughly in the field.
This way of being close to others is naturally applied to swimming lessons, andIt has become a popular teaching method that is “easy to understand”.
But gradually, I found myself asking, “How can you give a lesson like that?” When I was in a position to teach, I realized that it was difficult to convey my sensual way of teaching to others.
The usual way of teaching swimming, whether in elementary schools, private schools or private instructors, is basically following the pattern of the “for able-bodied swimmers” model.
If you try to impose this on children with disabilities, you will end up confusing them, or worse, making them “hate swimming”. A change of mindset is needed.
For example.More careful training in the water to stimulate physical development The body becomes smoother and“I did it!” and a sense of accomplishment.You can swim confidently and happily.
We have been trying to make this happen by repeating hypothesis and verification, not just by experience, technical theory or know-how.Not only swimming technique, but alsoWe have been working with children with disabilitiessystematically until an easy-to-understand teaching method is developed. We have established a teaching method that is “so easy to understand that even junior high school students can understand it.
In the beginning“Why are you doing that exercise?” “Why is that necessary here?”Some people were dubious about it.
At any rate, “Just do as I say!”And when I asked him to try out the teaching methodThe students improved rapidly.
“It sure worked!” I was able to get a good impression of the game.
The reputation became word of mouth, and furthermore, the teaching method attracted attentionThe school has been featured in major newspapers and swimming trade magazines.
(The Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, and other media covered it extensively, and a book was published as a teaching material)
The booklet “Happy Swimming” was picked up by a major newspaper and 1,000 people subscribed in about 3 months
The booklet “Happy Swimming” led to the publication of a book on swimming support for children with developmental disabilities.
The big difference between this and a qualification such as “Sports Instructor for the Disabled” is that
There are many problems in the industry, such as the lack of successors, the lack of friends with whom you can talk about your problems, and the lack of successors.Because you will be able to ask about management methods, you will become a high-level instructor who can aim to become independent or open a business after the training, which will be a truly useful contribution to the local community.
We have had everyone from local swim clubs for the disabled to major swimming schools who have experienced this program and have been delighted with it.
Around this time, I began to realize that I had two roles: to give lessons directly to students and to impart the national and international teaching methods I had researched and analyzed.
I thought that if people who learned this teaching method could work around Japan, it would help provide swimming opportunities for more people with disabilities.
I was able to learn how to deal with a wide range of people with disabilities. I was also able to confirm that it is possible to give lessons that are similar to those for able-bodied people. I was also able to resolve some issues that I was having with the teaching menu that I actually use in the field.(Male, major sports club in the Kanto area)
I volunteer with a swimming group for children with intellectual disabilities, and after listening to the advice of the senior members, I wondered, “Is this really the right way to teach?” I had a lot of doubts. During the lecture, I frankly asked them and I could understand how I should be close to the children’s feelings and think about the lesson content. I would like to try what I learned at the next swimming lesson.(Swimming club for the disabled, Kanto, 50s female)
The first time I saw a relaxation for a child with an incurable disease or severe physical disability, I thought, “What are they doing?” And I thought “it looks easy”. But when I actually tried it, I found that I could not get the tense child to relax by rocking his body at all…. I found that the tips on how to support the body and the instructor’s forcefulness led to the problems.(Male, 40s, major sports club, Kanto)
I was wondering how to develop from “water play” to “swimming” for children with severe physical disabilities. I observed an actual demonstration lesson and was amazed at how the lesson discovered and brought out what the child could do. In one lesson, I saw a child who could barely walk in the water glide smoothly on the surface of the water while smiling and laughing, and I thought, “I want to be able to teach this kind of lesson too.(Male, 50s, a major swimming school in Kyushu)
* Lectures can be divided into classes on any day you like. We will respond to individual consultations after making inquiries regarding the date and time (please note that we cannot provide individual support for practical skills).
How was it?
Just as swimming is new to the children, it is new to the instructors as well.
And even after taking the course.
I made seven pieces of handmade swimming equipment from the training course!”
I’m going to use it for backstroke practice right away!”
We have more students in the parent-child swimming class!
We have received happy reports from our instructors such as
Q1:How did you learn about the Swimming Instructor Training Course for the Disabled (book name, website, introduction, etc.)? A1:Referral from an acquaintance Q2:Did you apply for this training immediately after you learned about it? (If you did not sign up, why not?) A2:I applied! Q3:What do you plan to use (or worry about) and why did you decide to participate in the “Swimming Instructor Training for the Disabled”? A3:I have been involved in helping Mr. Sakai’s Aqua Marche since August, and I wanted to learn about the situation of handicapped people (handicapped children), so I decided to take this course. Q4:What made you decide (referrals, information, achievements, etc.) to apply for the Swimming Instructor Training Course for the Disabled? A4:I took the “Beginner” and “Intermediate” courses because the Tokyo Metropolitan Government provided support funds. Q5:How did you feel after actually participating in the “Swimming Instructor Training for the Disabled”? A5:The lectures were very easy to understand and I enjoyed the whole day. Thank you! Please let us know if you have any questions about anything other than what you were given the opportunity to learn.
Q1:How did you learn about the “Swimming Instructor Training Program for the Disabled” (book name, website, introduction, etc.)? A1:I am a fan of Mr. Sakai. When I heard that an acquaintance of mine was going to take the course, I wanted to take it too. Q2:Did you apply for the training as soon as you heard about it? (If you didn’t sign up, why not?) A2:I found out about it late, but I applied for it on the day I found out about it. (Before, I had a lack of imagination about what I would receive, so I changed my mind.) Q3:What did you decide to make use of (or worry about) when you decided to participate in the “Swimming Instructor Training Program for the Disabled”? A3:I wanted to take the “training” that Mr. Sakai created. Q4:What made you decide (referral, information, achievements, etc.) to apply for the “Swimming Instructor Training Program for the Disabled”? A4:Mr. Sakai was the deciding factor. Q5:How did you feel after actually participating in the “Swimming Instructor Training for the Disabled”? A5:The content was very persuasive because it was not just material on paper or on the top of the face, but real, actual experience. I was afraid I would fall asleep, but I was totally fine. I cried because of the actual story. The makeup and the color rod of the aquarium came out at the end, and it’s because she’s a young female leader! I felt something like that. Please let me continue to be your number one supporter. Thank you very much.
Q1: How did you learn about the “Swimming Instructor Training Program for the Disabled” (book name, website, introduction, etc.)? A1:I found out about it when I saw a book on “How to Teach Swimming” at a bookstore in front of Mitaka Station. Q2: Did you apply for this training immediately after you found out about it? (If you didn’t sign up, why not?) A2:I applied about a week after I learned about it. Q3:What do you plan to use the training for? A3:I participated in hopes of becoming an instructor in the future. Q4:What made you decide (referral, information, achievements, etc.) to apply for the “Swimming Instructor Training Program for the Disabled”? A4:After reading the book, I looked at the details on the website and found it easy to understand, so I applied. Q5:How did you feel after actually participating in the “Swimming Instructor Training for the Disabled”? A5:The lectures covered a wide range of disabilities, from triggers to disabilities. I learned a lot of things that I did not know. I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before. It was also the first time for me to learn how to assist someone in a wheelchair, so actually sitting in a wheelchair broadened my perspective. I hope to put what I learned to use in practice. Thank you very much!
This training course is taught in order from beginner to advanced level.
★5 hours Lecture + Practical training in the pool 30,000 yen
Here, we will prepare your body for swimming based on the three skills you need to acquire to avoid drowning, with the theme of “safety” being the most important factor before swimming. This course is designed to build a foundation for safe practice without the risk of drowning, even if you can swim. This is a tip for children who are “gray” in swimming school or school to join with us in group lessons at the water familiarization – basic level.
★About 5 hours Lecture + Practical training in the pool Fee 40,000 yen
You will learn about primitive reflexes, how lessons are developed with children with disabilities, and the ability to think from the perspective of the person with a disability, which is not usually taught in schools. It will give you tips on how to help children who are “grey” in swimming school or school to join together in group lessons at a basic level or above.
★About 5 hours Lecture + Practical training in the pool 50,000 yen
Thorough advice on how to speak up, look the child in the eye, and even the instructor’s own appearance to gain the trust of the child for a successful lesson in swimming for the disabled. By being able to give appropriate advice to families in relation to the content of the lessons, we can provide total support that goes beyond swimming. If you have made it this far, starting your own business is not just a dream.
While you can learn the beginner level and be ready to teach and use it with your own students and families, we have a set discounted fee for those who register together to help those who are passionate about teaching swimming who are reading this guide learn even more.
From 70,000 yen
60,000 yen
(10,000 yen discount)
From 120,000 yen
100,000 yen
(20,000 yen discount)
* Lectures can be divided into classes on any day you like. We will respond to individual consultations after making inquiries regarding the date and time (please note that we cannot provide individual support for practical skills).
※Even if you have not decided on the date for the intermediate course, you can still take the course if you let us know at the time of application for the beginner course. ※However, please note that we cannot accept a request for a set course fee after the beginner’s course.If you are not satisfied with any of the content of the course, you will receive a full refund.
Please make a decision after you have practiced the content of the course in your own workplace and used the bonus follow-up and DVD.
Therefore, the guarantee period is 60 days after you take the course.
※We will refund your money minus the bank transfer fee after we confirm that you return your certificate and other course materials.
Furthermore, we work very hard on every course and we are confident that we will be able to help you, but attending the training is not the end, this is where it all begins. We update the content every year, so please feel free to retake the course (the first retake of the ones hosted by our association comes with a free service) and use it to improve your own skills.
I believe it is also important to help you practice after the training, so I am offering a special benefit to all students.
Limited to those organized by Aqua Marche (Japan Swimming Association for the Disabled) (equivalent to half of each step’s re-take fee)
*Individual support and on-site courses are not eligible.
(Once a month for 10 minutes, worth 5,000 yen)
*If you were not able to practice in the field, you can ask questions about the course content once a month for 10 minutes.
Easy-to-understand learning with pictures and audio
In other words, these four major benefits alone are enough to get you to the advanced level. In total, you will receive 85,800 yen worth of benefits.
(Example of facility use)
9:30-18:00 Conference room
13:00-15:00 Swimming pool
If you can rent our facilities as shown in the example above, we can hold a one-day beginner and intermediate course.
Click here for upcoming dates Click here if you would like to take an online lecture on your desired schedule* Lectures can be divided into classes on any day you like. We will respond to individual consultations after making inquiries regarding the date and time (please note that we cannot provide individual support for practical skills).
You know that swimming is good for children with disabilities, but you don’t know what to do with them.
Many children and families are still struggling to find an instructor.
I feel that if I see even one child struggling like that, it is a “lot”. We are committed to promoting swimming for the disabled so that as many families and children as possible can be saved as soon as possible so that they can experience the joy of swimming.。
That’s all for now, but if you’d like to hear more specifics, please contact us via email.
The world of swimming for the disabled is still a small world, but it is a deep and interesting world where you can expand your network of various people at once. It is often said in the world of caregiving that true disability is
It’s a feeling of, ‘I don’t know, let’s just stop.
Join us in making disabled swimming more exciting!
President, Japan Swimming Association for the Disabled
* The term “disabled person” here refers to physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, mental disorders, all disabilities and intractable diseases.